
Thursday 25 June 2020

Cyber Smart

Hi guys this week I did some cyber smart. I had to fill out this google drawing and then had some pictures. My dream job is a pilot just around New Zealand, no certain plane but if I had a choose it will be a A320. 

What is your dream job?

Tuesday 23 June 2020

Art but Reading

This for reading my goal was to Visualise using all of the senses, and talk about how this enriches meaning. My create task was to make a art work that shows my understanding of the goal. I had to pick a story then I created a picture showing a piece of the story.

Do you know the movie?


Hi guys this week for maths my goal was to, Sort and classify the following 2D & 3D Shapes. So for my create task this week I had to fill out this doc. At first I did not know what to do but now I know what to do .

Do you know all these shapes?

Thursday 18 June 2020

Cyber smart

Today is a Friday, I am learning about cyber smart. In cyber smart were are learning about private and public information. I made this to show what I think should be private or public. I made a copy of this and tagged the things the part that I think it should be on.

Do think I have the right thing?

Wednesday 17 June 2020


This week for maths my goal was to use, a broad range of strategies to solve multiplication and division problems with whole numbers (Place Value & Reversibility). It is a long goal and at first I did not understand the goal but now I understand a little better. For my create task I had to do at least 6 equations using place value and reversibility.
Have you done this goal if has what DLO did you do?

Creepy doll

This week for writing my goal was to use visual language features to engage the audience. I did some art work about the chuck that I choose from my writing. In this art you work you can see that it is a doll, and looks a bit creepy.  My drawing is from the view out of Alma's eye, this is what the she sees.

What is your best art work?

Tuesday 16 June 2020


This week for reading my goal was to identify several ideas, discuss the author's stance or purpose, and understand the relationships in text. So for my create task I made a copy of the DLO and filled in the gaps with the ideas of the story, New Boots.  Here is a copy of my DLO

Have you done this goal?


Hi this week I did some writing with my principle, My goal was to learn how to use:
Simile - using as to compare one thing to another
Punctuation - Rhetorical Question - draw the reader in
Adverb - ly - experiment with moving it around
It is three goals that I had to add in my time frame here it is. 
Have you done writing with your principal? 

Thursday 11 June 2020


Today I am making a blog that should of been done a long time ago but here I am making it. This blog is going to be about creativity. I think that it is the best because if you do not have creativity that means that you can not draw cool stuff, or make cool stuff.

What's the difference between creativity and innovation? - Idealog

what do you think about creativity?

2D and 3D shapes

This week for maths my goal is to identify and describe the differences between 2D and 3D shapes, using my mathematical language and to understand what is an edge, vertices and a face. So I made a poster about every thing I learnt. The poster also says other things that I did not know and learnt, like, parallel lines .  Parallel lines are two lines that do not meet like a train track. Perpendicular lines are when two lines meet.
Did you learn something in this blog? what was it ?


Hi today this blog is about communication you might be like why do you need to learn about that, well we have got six C's for are level up wall and communication is one of them.  I think communication is good in are life because if we do not communication that means that we can not see what other people ideas are.

Do you think the same? 
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Wednesday 10 June 2020

Show don't tell

This week for writing my goal was to Use “show not tell” when appropriate. It is the some goal has last week but I do not think that I made a blog about it. For for my create task this week I had to to try to spot out in a sentence, were it had show don't tell so here it is. The green is were I think the show don't t tell is.

What have I done for reading?

This week for reading my goal was Ito identify some text events and features, and discuss what they make the reader think about. Identify at least one important idea and justify why it is important.
Identify several ideas, discuss the author's stance or purpose, and understand relationships in the text. It looks long because it is three goals altogether. My create task this week was to fill out some slides of a book that I read from my reading.

Tuesday 9 June 2020

My great maths

Hi this week for maths my goal was, to use a broad range of strategies to solve multiplication and division problems ,with whole numbers and decimals. My create task was to make a video and in that video it needs to show that I understand the goal, yhere is a photo from the video.

Have you done something like this?

Thursday 4 June 2020

The town

For writing this week I am making a story about a boy in his town and it is a nice day and then...... no I  am not going to tell you the story. This is just the start of the story but I am still working on the story but I might post another blog with the full story. The story might have some mistake because I have not edit it yet. 

What did I do for maths this week

This week for maths I did a lot of goals because this week was weird.  I do not know if all the questions are right if they are not just tell me in the comment's. We watch videos about the goal and then we did them on our DLO.

   Have you done any of these goal's?

Reading this week

This week has been a weird week the teacher's did our timetable because we had Monday off school. Our task for reading this week we had to make something based off a book that we readied. The three image's that is down there is the three things that I did off the task. P.S the little yellow digger was a book that I read when I was baby.