Hi guys for reading this week we have been looking at if we could what would we build in Christchurch. Myself and Lewis were a pair and we thought and so if you was a earthquake and then after that there was a big wave, well we thought that all the houses on the beach front had a grey wall under it so the wave dose not get the house.
What would you make?I am a student at St Francis of Assisi Catholic School. This is a place where I will be able to share my learning with you. Please note....some work won't be edited - just my first drafts, so there may be some surface errors. I would love your feedback, comments, thoughts and ideas.
Friday, 26 March 2021
10 shots how many got in?
Hi guys welcome back to yet a other blog, this will be about maths. For maths we are working on data, Lucas and I worked as a pair, and our question was, would it be fair if year 7 girls vs year 7 boys? We got them to do ten shots at the free throw line and see how many they got in, we learned that the year 7 boys got more in than the year 7 girls, so it would not be fair to 2v2.
What year are you?
Friday, 19 March 2021
Mission maps
Hi guys this week for maths we have been looking at how to use a map and how to make routes on my maps. The first task was to find kaiapai pa and Onawe pa, after that we had to find out the distant between the two pa's. Once you have done that you had to find the fastest route to get there I thought that I would go by boats because there will be nothing stopping you to get there like road works. Iand if you walk I think that it will take you 15 - 20 hours so a long time.
Friday, 12 March 2021
Hi guys, this week in our hub we have been looking at a pa A pa is a Maori village, it is big, it can fit a whole extended family. For our reading we had to pretend to sell a pa. We had to list the price and everything like that. For our Maths we had to build a pa and then do the length height and width. For our writing we had to make a video of our maths.
Would you like to live in a pa with your whole family?Thursday, 4 March 2021
first blog of year
Hi guys welcome to my first blog of the year. This first blog is going to be about reading. In New Zealand we learn lot's about Moari and the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi. For my reading we learnt about how they lived before the Treaty got signed. I am only going to do one blog this week so this is it.