
Thursday 26 September 2019

are PBL ivention convetion

On the 25th of September we had our invention convention. The invention convention is our PBL sharing of our final project. We shared our invention convention with year 5/6, that is my hub and year 7/8 so it was very busy and loud. We did our invention convention from 1.30 to 3.30 it was a long time standing for Blake and I. We had to share our table with other people because there was not a lot of room for everyone to go in the hall so there was people everywhere around us. half. Blake and I took turns going around to see what the other people had made, while the other person stayed at the stand telling people what we made, and that is a card holder TCC. My other friends were next to us so we played a game of cards when there was not a lot of people there. I hope you enjoyed this blog post.

                    have you ever shared your learn with a lot of people? and what was it?

Wednesday 18 September 2019

the fun hub trip

On the 16th of September we went on a school trip to the Museum. When we got there we went to the Maori side of the museum. When we  got there we looked at how the Maori people would life and how old that will life up to. First the man teach as a story about how green stone came to NZ. After that we looked at the huts and homes that that build out of wood. And then he talk about how they will not waste a thing and if they killed a dog that will use the fur for clothes and the meat for food and bones for weapon. Then we went to go to the classroom and we got to use the tools that that used to made stuff out of. After that we got to have some lunch and climb a tree and then we got to go around the Museum it was fun the best thing was looking at the old towns it was lot's of fun.

have you been on a school trip? and where?

Tuesday 3 September 2019

The final step is here for our PBL Journey

For our PBL we are in the last fail part. Myself and Blake have have been on a long journey for our invention. For people who can not hold your cards we have made the thing for you it is the card holder we call it TCC for the card holder. We have to share our card holder it on the 25 of September. In your group you can have up to 5 people and you got to pick them. Many people have got different ideas like one is you know how you have to carry your folaty up the water slide they have made a puller it is only a prototype tho but still is a good idea. Our group used to have lot's other people but then they went with another group so it is me and Blake know but that is alright because we have used our PBl time very well. I think that me and Blake's PBL has been very well because some groups could not think of   an idea. On the other hand me and Blake went home and ask people what they problems was and me and Blake only got to pick one so we went with the easy one and the one that cloud help some one life or could really help them so we pick the card holder. We did not know how we were going to start but with the help of some teachers and mum and dad we got the idea and we started building it. Once we had build it we got to paint it we painted it red and black for the casino and that is where we are know so I hope you have enjoyed this blog for this week.
Have you made an innovation? what was it?