
Monday 25 November 2019

Top team

On the 22 of November we got to go and do Top Team on the back field. When got there, we got into teams that were picked by the teacher. It was about 7 of us in each team. There was 13 challenges and two of them were water challenges. There was 26 teams and you vs two teams twice. We went around in your groups and each time you play a game and got points.  You didn't win anything but it was lot's of fun. My favourite  activity was the water bus as it was so much fun.

Have you done top team?

Tuesday 19 November 2019

what have we been leaning in witting

Over the past few weeks, we have been learning to write both informal and informal letters. Here is an example of a letter I wrote about political event in New Zealand's past.

Mostyn Brown
78 john road
027 476 051

5th October 1881

Prime Minister
brofriend@stop the march
195 dig street
Dear Prime Minister

I live in Parihaka I do not think that it is fear that you take two people into jail for doing nothing we just want to live in peace. People came into our home and take our land. They have been very unfair. We just want to make friends with people. We just gave them some bread. So I hope this has changed your mind.

Yours Sincerely,

Mostyn Brown.

Tuesday 12 November 2019

what game did we play?

On the 7th of November we got to play Korfball for the first time. When we arrived to play there were two big hoops that I did not know what it they were. We got into teams and we said that we will add rules as we go on. So the first two rules were that we were not allowed to kick the ball and the other rule was that we were not allowed to pull the ball out of another players hand. This was hard cause people would run with the ball and we were not allowed to pull it out of their hands. So then we stopped and did two more rules you can not move with the ball in your hands and you can not touch the people with the ball so then we played with all four rules. We then stopped again and added more rules, we split the court into two halves, our team was shooting and the other team were trying to get the ball,  and the other rule was not going onto the other half of the court. Then we stopped again for the last two rules two was every two shots the ball changed sides so you get to go on every side while playing, the lasts rule was if you block the person on the line of the hoop and they shoot you get the ball. And that is how we learned how to play Korfball on the 7th of November.

have you every played Korfball and where?