
Thursday 26 August 2021

The factions

 Hi guys welcome back to other blog, this blog is going to be about maths. For maths this week we have been working on factions, for our create task we had to write three word problems. I had a bit of fun with it and I got my little sister, and we made a video of me teaching them what we were learning. 

Have you learned factions before? 

Wednesday 25 August 2021

The speech

 Hi guys welcome back to other blog, this blog is going to be about writing. For writing this week we carried on with our speech. We had to get someone to write a comment on someone else speech to make it better, so I did Ryan my brother and he write a comment for me.  The yellow is what I work on and the white is what I already wrote.

Have you done a speech? what was it about?

Thursday 19 August 2021

What is a Mindset?

 Hi guys welcome back to yet other blog, this week we have been working on reading. For reading this week we have been working on what a mindset is?. Everyone has got a mindset your mindset is other going to be fix which means you do not think that you can do something, or it is going to be growth mindset which means you do think that you can do something.  We also needed to pick a person who has shown girt in there life I choose Henry Ford. One of the questions that we had to answer is How hard is it to shift your mindset? I think that it is not that hard if you put your mind to it.


What mindset do you have?

Important dates

 Hi guys welcome to other blog this week we have done some Maori. Over the last couple of weeks we have been working on saying numbers and months. So for our create task this week we made a dairy with all the important dates in my life,  so sorry I can not show you it.

What have you been learning? 

Tuesday 17 August 2021

Oxycontin, serotonin and endorphins

 Hi guys welcome back to other blog, this blog is going to be about the science of happiness. The science of happiness of all about Oxycontin, serotonin and endorphins. For our create task we made a video talking what  Oxycontin, serotonin and endorphins is.

watch this vid

Thursday 12 August 2021

Inner peace week

 Hi guys welcome back to other blog, this week we did some reading. For reading we got to learn about what inner peace, so for inner peace week we got a symbol and we had to colour it in. Then we had to go out on google and we had to find a text about inner peace. My new learning was that you can not have outer peace without inside peace.

Have you learned about inner peace?

Thursday 5 August 2021

Can money buy happiness?

 Hi guys welcome back to other blog, this week we did some writing. For writing we had to write about   can money buy happiness. I think that money can buy happiness if you want the reasons just read away. The only thing is that you may not have any real friends, like the friends will just be using you for the money.

Do you think that money can but happiness?